Episode 56
How to decide your destiny | Kyle Spyrides
My guest today is a Perth based photographer, specializing in corporate portrait event and business photography. He's recently released a book called Decide your destiny, which is all about principles of improvement, commitment to always do your best, be kind to others, have more social responsibility, look for truth and see the heart and soul in every human being.
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Coming Soon
- (00:00:16) - Introduction of my guest today - Kyle Spyrides
- (00:03:27) - Kyle's journey to become a photographer
- (00:12:49) - Inspiration for Kyle's new book 'Decide your destiny'
- (00:16:37) - Battling life threatening health issues
- (00:41:38) - How does Kyle manage his health now
- (00:46:54) - Dont' take your health for granted, look after yourself
- (00:56:15) - Taking ownership, some great book recommendations
- (01:00:39) - Opportunity to express your creativity
- (01:01:11) - Top 3 tips from this episode
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Welcome to the Success Inspired Podcast, a business and personal development podcast to help you accomplish more in life and realize your true potential.
Speaker:And now here is your host Vit Muller
Vit Muller:Hello everybody, welcome to another interview on the Success Inspired Podcast.
Vit Muller:I'm your host Vit, and today I've got another exciting guest to interview.
Vit Muller:My guest today is a Perth based photographer, specializing in corporate portrait event and business photography.
Vit Muller:He's recently released a book called Decide your destiny, which is all about principles of improvement, commitment to always do your best, be kind to others, have more
Vit Muller:Please welcome to the show, Kyle Spyrides
Kyle Spyrides:Thanks Vit, hey guys, how are you going?
Vit Muller:Hey Kyle, great to have you on the show mate great to have you on the show.
Vit Muller:Now, since I've introduced you earlier a little bit, what's something that not many people know about you.
Kyle Spyrides:Well, I traveled around and lived in multiple countries when I was younger.
Kyle Spyrides:So I had a client recently and they were chatting to me and they said it sounds like your parents are diplomats.
Kyle Spyrides:because I was born in South Africa Johannesburg moved to Bondi in Sydney when I was two years old, moved to Ireland when I was about five, then
Kyle Spyrides:But when I was young, I had a lot of movement and that actually started off from my mother.
Kyle Spyrides:She was actually an international model very early on.
Kyle Spyrides:and she went out when I was born, about two months after I was born, she had to go to a contract over in Japan and then that contract got extended.
Kyle Spyrides:So I kinda got extended to, you know, Germany and different sort of places.
Kyle Spyrides:So she was working for Vogue back in the day.
Kyle Spyrides:and actually that's probably what I should mention is I actually grew up in a pub.
Kyle Spyrides:So from zero to about, you know, two in South Africa, I grew up in a pub with my granny because I was in South Africa and it was pretty dangerous to have me at home on my own.
Kyle Spyrides:And my granny had a pub that she worked in full time and I slept like overnight in the pub.
Kyle Spyrides:I stayed in pub all the time.
Kyle Spyrides:I played pool with the patrons watch TV.
Kyle Spyrides:I would scream out for my grandmother.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, I kind of had to sit on the stool.
Kyle Spyrides:I had my chosen stool and my chosen TV and I'd go, granny, I scream.
Kyle Spyrides:And I just scream for my grandmother.
Kyle Spyrides:And there's one patron came on a Saturday and she could, she would come every Saturday.
Kyle Spyrides:She came up to me and she was this lovely old lady.
Kyle Spyrides:and she said to me, Kyle, can't scream for your granny.
Kyle Spyrides:She's in the back.
Kyle Spyrides:She's working really hard in the back there.
Kyle Spyrides:And apparently the story goes, I said to her, if I call my granny, she will come.
Kyle Spyrides:And then I went, yeah, granny.
Kyle Spyrides:So my social engagement as a kid was a.
Kyle Spyrides:yeah, tested quite a lot.
Vit Muller:That's awesome.
Vit Muller:That's awesome.
Vit Muller:I think it's very important for kids to you know, some parents, they really protect their kids and they don't let them, they don't let anybody to hold them or anything like that.
Vit Muller:And then you know, that, I mean, I think it's important to very early on and get them used to other people because I think it's, yeah, big plays a big role in, in more social, I guess.
Vit Muller:which you being in part where you'd have plenty of experiences like that.
Vit Muller:So that's cool.
Vit Muller:Yeah.
Vit Muller:Now what compelled you to become a photographer?
Kyle Spyrides:that question, that question I'll have to think about for a while.
Kyle Spyrides:I think it's, it's, you know, I looked at it, it was, it started off just taking photos of my phone.
Kyle Spyrides:So for some reason, I just had this, this deep interest.
Kyle Spyrides:And I think for a lot of people, a lot of listeners out there, you know, if we think about it and we look at actually our phone and we see how many photos do we have in our catalogue?
Kyle Spyrides:Well, some have 20,000, some have 10,000, some at 5,000 we realized, oh my gosh, I've got all these photos in my phone.
Kyle Spyrides:And for me, I was just, I felt compelled to take photos and it wasn't yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Of you know, I know you've got to clear yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Young child, like, it wasn't always like family or, or friends.
Kyle Spyrides:It was more of just like moments like light would hit a building or there'd be a combination of elements.
Kyle Spyrides:And it would just visually I would just be zoned in and like nothing around me.
Kyle Spyrides:It could be heavy traffic, it could be busy Sydney city, nothing around me would mess with me.
Kyle Spyrides:I would be focused on capturing that moment and getting the best shot of that.
Kyle Spyrides:So I think a lot of it was intuition, you know, and, and, and feeling so, you know, it wasn't I guess a scientist think analysis of what
Kyle Spyrides:I mean, that that's come later on in my life, but at that time it was just deep intuition and this, it was like something was pulling me, you know, visual elements were pulling me to capture them.
Kyle Spyrides:Eventually at that time, I went over to Highland again, when I was in my early twenties.
Kyle Spyrides:And at that time, my grandparents actually gave me a small camera and I just was taking photographs all the time and all that.
Kyle Spyrides:I was taking photographs, surfers.
Kyle Spyrides:I was walking through farmland, you know, like where these cows and horses were kind of marching, marching me down and, and I actually felt threatened.
Kyle Spyrides:it was quite an interesting experience, but I, but I was just so keen on it.
Kyle Spyrides:And then eventually my, my stepfather in Ireland who I was staying with said, well, why don't you do photography?
Kyle Spyrides:you know, as a career and I kind of laughed and chuckled it off, you know, very you know, like very modern society sort of, I guess, coming out of a private school
Kyle Spyrides:I've got to go get a real job, man.
Kyle Spyrides:Like, so we said, well, what about your uncle?
Kyle Spyrides:And it was so funny.
Kyle Spyrides:The monk was actually.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, an international acclaimed photographer, commercial photographer that would work for Quantis, the wallabies and RMA.
Kyle Spyrides:And so I actually went and studied in the course that he studied.
Kyle Spyrides:And then when I finished my course, I actually worked with him on those jobs with those big clients and RMA you know, Commonwealth bank, but there's a two, $2 million advertising budget and you've
Kyle Spyrides:So it was definitely, it all started from the phone, which I think is probably, maybe, maybe it's an inspiration for a lot of people out there.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, don't, don't judge where you start or what you start with.
Kyle Spyrides:it's about the creative process.
Vit Muller:I mean, in your, in your case, obviously you'd have a, I guess, you were fortunate having your ankles, so that would have given you open the door a
Vit Muller:If I pursued his career and I could eventually get to the same place, like my uncle, if that's what, you know, obviously you want it to pursue.
Vit Muller:fast forward now, since you, you know, ventured on to, you know, start working on your ankle, where, where are you now with your photography business?
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah, so with him, I was able to learn a lot about the commercial photography side and, you know, that was really, really great.
Kyle Spyrides:I got that experience.
Kyle Spyrides:I saw how he dealt with a lot of those, you know, as projects and all the different personalities and the different, you know, decision makers.
Kyle Spyrides:and.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah, that really sent me off to work out.
Kyle Spyrides:What do I want to do?
Kyle Spyrides:And I got into event photography and I was working in Sydney and then eventually I actually moved over to Perth and I had to start up again.
Kyle Spyrides:And one of the reasons I moved to Perth was I wanted to kind of move out of my comfort zone, you know, move away from family, moved to a place where I didn't have
Kyle Spyrides:early on, I pretty much learned that business photography was the one for me, you know, it's all year round.
Kyle Spyrides:I love businesses.
Kyle Spyrides:I think small business and diversification, you know, is the way to a better world and a more sustainable world.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, and I value a lot of small business people who are, they're just trying to support their family, trying to make a way in the world and, you know, and those
Kyle Spyrides:So I thought, you know, I really want to work with small to medium sized business.
Kyle Spyrides:And brand new photography.
Kyle Spyrides:So I w you know, went into brand new photography, website, product photography.
Kyle Spyrides:and yeah, and that's just been such a joy for me personally, I originally got into taking portraits.
Kyle Spyrides:That was really what I loved.
Kyle Spyrides:So now I've got the portrait.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, my grandfather just, just behind me and what I was doing in that moment was I saw him come down.
Kyle Spyrides:So I live with my grandparents and I saw him come down the stairs.
Kyle Spyrides:I just came back from it from a shoot, and it was kind of a landscape shoot.
Kyle Spyrides:And I was going through the photos and I just turned to my right.
Kyle Spyrides:And then I did a double take.
Kyle Spyrides:I went, whoa.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, and he had the bra on the light was hitting, it was the morning light.
Kyle Spyrides:It was coming through his window.
Kyle Spyrides:He's an architect.
Kyle Spyrides:So he designed his house.
Kyle Spyrides:So he had light coming from both sides of his house.
Kyle Spyrides:we should kind of split lighting and I just went, I stay there and he started taking photographs.
Kyle Spyrides:And so I just started taking photographs and it was very natural process.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, I was talking to him and my grandparents, you know, they're, you know, they're, they're born in, he was born in 1927.
Kyle Spyrides:So they're not used to cameras in your face, you know, kind of how we are.
Kyle Spyrides:So for them it was very yeah, it was, oh God, Kyle, come on, Carl, you know, another photo, how many photographs that's enough?
Kyle Spyrides:So, you know, I had to really work with them.
Kyle Spyrides:and I just started capturing photographs and talking to him and it was just this one moment where he just looked over my shoulder and he just kind of lost.
Kyle Spyrides:Consciousness.
Kyle Spyrides:Like, I think he went deep into like subcontract, like, you know, he, he kind of just lost his, you know, his yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Zoomed out and he, and he and I, what I believe is that right?
Kyle Spyrides:And I, and I, this is my whole family.
Kyle Spyrides:and that was my project is capturing all their portraits around my grandparents' house in different locations.
Kyle Spyrides:And I worked out that if you talk to someone for long enough and you're taking photographs and you're getting into, you know, ask them questions, they
Kyle Spyrides:And it's the split moment where they forget the camera's no longer there.
Kyle Spyrides:They forget that you're no longer there and they go deep within themselves.
Kyle Spyrides:And I just felt like they were the most powerful portraits and I'd go through 200, 400, 600 photographs that I took.
Kyle Spyrides:And that would be the photograph that I would choose.
Kyle Spyrides:So I was really big on capturing the essence.
Kyle Spyrides:On the soul of the subject.
Kyle Spyrides:And to be honest grandparents, like my elderly people and my younger cousins were the easiest to capture their soul because they live their essence forward.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, they live their being forward teenagers.
Kyle Spyrides:I had some teenage cousins and they've got a massive like Vale up, you know, a protection or an identity crisis, or, you know, as they're going
Kyle Spyrides:so they took two hours to get their essence where grandparents and kids, it was a lot quicker.
Kyle Spyrides:This
Vit Muller:is very interesting because this is in a way it's a great advice for any, any photographers out there.
Vit Muller:thinking about this because it's not just about, you know, all the technical bits, you know, like, you know, what camera you use and distance and, and all that, but actually.
Vit Muller:Thinking about the subject more.
Vit Muller:And and like you said, I mean, you're right.
Vit Muller:I mean, yeah.
Vit Muller:I mean, I guess teenagers would be having a bit more of a, you know, especially in all the hormones going through in craziness, they're trying to figure themselves out.
Vit Muller:They're trying to, yeah.
Vit Muller:They're overprotecting themselves and yeah, they don't really show it's harder to get them to show their, you know, or get them to be more relaxed and nuggets in a natural state.
Vit Muller:Right.
Vit Muller:Whereas it all, all the people that they've got nothing to hide, they want to help others in, in general.
Vit Muller:plus they got all the wrinkles on their face, so that kind of makes it cool as well.
Vit Muller:Like with all the light and everything.
Vit Muller:I mean, I'm looking at the photo now for those of you guys, if you want to see it, and I'll put a photo there on the podcast show notes,
Vit Muller:It's great.
Vit Muller:So your business, soul gazing, and he talked about, you know, you're able to get people to, you know, show their soul.
Vit Muller:Is that how you come up with that name?
Kyle Spyrides:Correct, correct?
Kyle Spyrides:No, I thought about, I saw everyone, you know, John Roberts photography and Mark Williams topography.
Kyle Spyrides:And so I thought Carlos Brady's photography.
Kyle Spyrides:Well, firstly, a lot of people find it hard to pronounce my last name and spell my last name.
Kyle Spyrides:Did I say it right?
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:A lot of people say spy rides, spirit.
Kyle Spyrides:I said, spiritedness, look that's okay.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:I didn't a little flavor to it.
Vit Muller:Okay.
Vit Muller:So that's sounds very Greek.
Vit Muller:Is that a great
Kyle Spyrides:background to you?
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah, so, so my father's side is Greek secret.
Kyle Spyrides:So he was born into Africa.
Kyle Spyrides:My mother was born in South Africa and my, yes, my father's side from Cyprus and down my mother's side.
Kyle Spyrides:There's Scottish.
Kyle Spyrides:So my middle name is Ross, so it's cloud Ross spree.
Kyle Spyrides:So it's, it's a interesting mix.
Kyle Spyrides:Tell
Vit Muller:me about this book, this book that you are, that you've written.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:So, so my grandfather he's not actually related to me, right?
Kyle Spyrides:So I came to South Africa, I left my grandparents, my biological dad, and it was my stepdad that brought me over, you know, it was telling my mother that you've got to bring them over.
Kyle Spyrides:Cause it was 1995 into Africa, which was, you know, it was a great time as Mandela was coming in.
Kyle Spyrides:and you know, the old guard was going out, but it's also a very dangerous time because whenever you have, you know, quite a shift you know, there was a lot of violence, a lot of backlash.
Kyle Spyrides:so it's quite a dangerous time to be in South Africa.
Kyle Spyrides:plus you look at Australia and you look at South Africa, you know, and the violence comparison.
Kyle Spyrides:So, you know, my step mum, my mum was actually traveling around the world.
Kyle Spyrides:So she actually wanted places to came to a Sydney and she met her, met a gentleman by the name of ward and.
Kyle Spyrides:They were together for a couple of weeks.
Kyle Spyrides:And he said, well, you know, you've got a little son.
Kyle Spyrides:And she said, well, you've got to bring them over, know, bring them over to Australia.
Kyle Spyrides:You know?
Kyle Spyrides:So he really wanted me to come over.
Kyle Spyrides:They brought me over to Australia and I left all my family overseas and I walked up my grandparents house and my new Australian grandparents.
Kyle Spyrides:Right.
Kyle Spyrides:So Ward's parents.
Kyle Spyrides:All right.
Kyle Spyrides:My grandmother said to me, she said she still tells the story because she had this overwhelming feeling, you know, body kind of like this message from God that she was
Kyle Spyrides:And she saw in my eyes, I had like this lost look in my eyes, this lost boy, look, as I was looking around us, the, you know, these are these unusual Australians,
Kyle Spyrides:So she could see this fear and worry.
Kyle Spyrides:And it's like two year old kids face, you know, so, but she got that feeling.
Kyle Spyrides:So it ended up as my life went on when I was about 14.
Kyle Spyrides:I know where to go late one night and I traveled down to granola to, to see my grandparents.
Kyle Spyrides:And it was about 2:00 AM.
Kyle Spyrides:I was knocking on the window.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, I just skipped a couple of train, track trains to get, to get down there a hour and a half trip.
Kyle Spyrides:And I just knocked on the window and I just knew I needed to get inside.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, cause I was kicked outside, kicked onto the streets.
Kyle Spyrides:I needed to get inside somebody.
Kyle Spyrides:I need somebody to sleep for the night and they came down in the, in the gowns and they opened up their door and they really became my parents.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, they raised me for about 10 years.
Kyle Spyrides:They were the most stable parental figures in my life and they were amazing.
Kyle Spyrides:And I would go in their morning, their room every morning, every evening I would talk to them.
Kyle Spyrides:I talked to them about serious issues, serious life issues, serious problems.
Kyle Spyrides:And I would just talk to them and just listen, just listen.
Kyle Spyrides:Sometimes I'd give him bus.
Kyle Spyrides:And one day I was sitting down on the couch with my, and I'm a grandfather to my rights.
Kyle Spyrides:And I looked over at him and the son was kissing the side of his face.
Kyle Spyrides:It was coming through the blinds and he just had this boyish like charming smile.
Kyle Spyrides:And I could feel his belly space like this joy fill the space.
Kyle Spyrides:And he looked at me and he said, decide your destiny.
Kyle Spyrides:What is it, Kyle, make sure you decide your destiny in your life.
Kyle Spyrides:What are you saying?
Kyle Spyrides:He goes, what are you doing in your life?
Kyle Spyrides:Decide your destiny.
Kyle Spyrides:And it was kind of like, he just came, maybe he was thinking, what wisdom can I impart on this young man's life?
Kyle Spyrides:You know, what, what can I give him?
Kyle Spyrides:That's going to be really great.
Kyle Spyrides:You know?
Kyle Spyrides:And so as my lap life went on and you know, I was looking at where I wanted to go for success in my life and what success I actually had achieved already.
Kyle Spyrides:I started to realize that every success I had was through me deciding my destiny.
Kyle Spyrides:So that's where the book came about and it just kind of.
Kyle Spyrides:Started bleeding out of me, you know, I would go for a run every morning and I'd have to stop and just write and write and write because it would just ooze out of me.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, and so there's, there's lots of elements in there, my grandparents some serious health issues.
Kyle Spyrides:and I mean, we can go into a bit of that if you like.
Kyle Spyrides:Sure.
Kyle Spyrides:So, so when I was 18, two months after I finished school, I came home from the gym.
Kyle Spyrides:So I was, I was, I was a big rugby, rugby Gaza.
Kyle Spyrides:I played rugby on Saturdays and Sundays, and I was all about protein and, and muscles and everything to do with that.
Kyle Spyrides:So I came home from the gym, great session, grabbed an up and go, went in, went into the house and started watching independence day.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, the one that pulled the aliens and will Smith.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:So I started watching a movie and I was, you know, getting into it.
Kyle Spyrides:And then all of a sudden I started feeling really, really.
Kyle Spyrides:Cold.
Kyle Spyrides:So I put everything on, put jumpers, beanie, scarf, everything, put all the blankets on.
Kyle Spyrides:And then the next moment I felt, I felt really hot and I took everything off and I was just sitting there stark naked on the couch.
Kyle Spyrides:The next night I went to get asked from the fridge and I collapsed onto the ground.
Kyle Spyrides:And I S and I laid there for that.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, it seemed like 20 minutes, but I was fully conscious, but I just could not move my body.
Kyle Spyrides:And this continued on, I got sick, you know, it was coming out, both ends.
Kyle Spyrides:And my you know, my family took me up to, I was staying with my mother at the time.
Kyle Spyrides:And some of my staff from family were over and they took me up to the hospital, to the doctor and the doctor said, oh, you've just got gastro.
Kyle Spyrides:Here's some medications take it.
Kyle Spyrides:He'll be fine.
Kyle Spyrides:Took the medications vomited up straight away.
Kyle Spyrides:A couple of days later, I said, I need to go to the hospital.
Kyle Spyrides:There was something seriously wrong with me.
Kyle Spyrides:And I just, I had this, like I told about the intuition or this gut feeling.
Kyle Spyrides:I was like, there's something wrong with my body.
Kyle Spyrides:I need to go to the hospital.
Kyle Spyrides:And I was begging.
Kyle Spyrides:So my mother took me down to my, my grandparents, Australian grandparents, and granola grandmother saw me.
Kyle Spyrides:And she took me up to my uncle and my uncle is a chiropractor.
Kyle Spyrides:and he looked at me and he, and he said, this guy's got a virus.
Kyle Spyrides:As it came down the hallway, he's got a serious viral viral infection.
Kyle Spyrides:Take him to the, to the local doctor.
Kyle Spyrides:If he doesn't take same style school, you taking the hospital yourself.
Kyle Spyrides:So I went to my local doctor in canola and this guy was a lovely guy.
Kyle Spyrides:When I was going through some hardships in my life.
Kyle Spyrides:He gave me this book and the title was hope, and it had all these beautiful quotes about life, you know?
Kyle Spyrides:So it was this lovely doctors as Chinese doctor, about 10 years earlier, he spent a lot of time in hospital, like, you know, working with like learning all about viruses and sort of things.
Kyle Spyrides:And he looked at the tips of my fingers and he said, you've got, your fingers.
Kyle Spyrides:And this means you've got infection on your heart.
Kyle Spyrides:And now normally in normal consciousness, I would have shocked and freaked out, but I was so sick that my, it was like a vignette around my eyes.
Kyle Spyrides:I was, it was like, I wasn't really there.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, it was like dark and I couldn't really see, I wasn't really conscious that's how, how ill I was.
Kyle Spyrides:And so, you know, okay.
Kyle Spyrides:And then my family said, all right, we need to take you to the hospital.
Kyle Spyrides:So they called the ambulance, rushed the hospital and I was at the hospital.
Kyle Spyrides:And the, you know, I said to my family, I can't, I can't pee or poo.
Kyle Spyrides:Like I need to go toilet, but I just can't physically do it.
Kyle Spyrides:So I grabbed the nurse and the nurse looked at my paperwork and said, now, what the hell are you doing here?
Kyle Spyrides:You're supposed to be rushed through to ICU.
Kyle Spyrides:The reason you can't excrete is cause your organs are actually shutting down.
Kyle Spyrides:And so she rushed me through, I was on his bed and this cardiologist said, call, we're going to put a pot down your throat.
Kyle Spyrides:and we're just going to put you to sleep now.
Kyle Spyrides:Again, like I said, I was so sick that it was just like, oh, okay.
Kyle Spyrides:Like, yeah, just cause I was out of it.
Kyle Spyrides:You know?
Kyle Spyrides:So, I mean, maybe that was a saving grace, but for my heart at that time, because I was, I was very consistent.
Kyle Spyrides:Very yeah, very out of it.
Kyle Spyrides:Now, this is where the story takes a deviation.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, some people in one side are gonna, they might be a bit uncomfortable about the story.
Kyle Spyrides:Other people might go and fully dive into the story.
Kyle Spyrides:So my mother called my stepdad.
Kyle Spyrides:Now the one that brought me to Australia and he was in Ireland at the time.
Kyle Spyrides:And he was also a chiropractor, but he had a lot of kinesiologists and a lot of understanding and natural health care.
Kyle Spyrides:and she called him and cause she always trusted what he'd say.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, even know that they'll split up at this time.
Kyle Spyrides:He always trusted what he'd say about health.
Kyle Spyrides:And she told him the situation, you know, the doctor says.
Kyle Spyrides:Cause most likely not gonna make it through the night they want to operate.
Kyle Spyrides:Now, if they operate, you know, that most likely won't make it through, through the operation.
Kyle Spyrides:They want to give it a go.
Kyle Spyrides:he's got a three centimeter bug eating the whole into his heart and you know, it's.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah, yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:So, and you know, and, and he's got about a third, 3% chances of living, you know, with this, you know, with that bug,
Vit Muller:but come from, was it like three centimeters, big buck?
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Three centimeters, three centimeters, big on my heart eating a whole.
Kyle Spyrides:And
Vit Muller:tomorrow.
Vit Muller:How did, how did w where did it come from?
Vit Muller:Did, did they figure that out?
Vit Muller:So
Kyle Spyrides:they never figured it out where it actually came from.
Kyle Spyrides:They actually, they had eight, I guess, ways of investigating.
Kyle Spyrides:I pausable reasons.
Kyle Spyrides:Like they can never figure out where, and then the day they said, look, there was a one in a billion chance.
Kyle Spyrides:And I took that.
Kyle Spyrides:I just went, okay.
Kyle Spyrides:That's what it is.
Kyle Spyrides:They originally thought it was golden stuff, which gold and stuff.
Kyle Spyrides:It's something that actually lives around your nose, on your face and your hands.
Kyle Spyrides:So it's, so it's something like that.
Kyle Spyrides:So they thought I must have had awakened heart valve already, but that didn't make sense.
Kyle Spyrides:Cause I was playing rugby Saturday and Sunday.
Kyle Spyrides:I was really fit and healthy, you know, so, you know, and you know, playing rugby for long games, like the full game, I had a lot of endurance, you know what I mean?
Kyle Spyrides:So it didn't seem as though I had a week off.
Kyle Spyrides:so yeah, so they don't know what the cause was.
Kyle Spyrides:Cause they said golden staph and they said actually, maybe it's just regular staff.
Kyle Spyrides:but they just couldn't, they couldn't determine it.
Kyle Spyrides:And so I just took the one in a billion chance because to be honest, if I knew, you know, that maybe it was something stupid, maybe it was a
Kyle Spyrides:You know, if I, if I knew that then I'd probably be kicking myself, you know, but they gave me look, it's a one in a billion chance.
Kyle Spyrides:And for me, I just took like, like my grandmother would say, I looked at the donut, not the hole, you know, so, but, so I took it as I could, but at that time in the hospital my mother called
Kyle Spyrides:We were, but he, I believe he did this.
Kyle Spyrides:I don't know if he actually did this, but he has this thing where he pulls his fingers and he kind of like pulls them any, I believe he's asking the
Kyle Spyrides:So he's seeking some sort of answer outside of himself, especially when it, when someone's coming to him with a, like a health question, you know?
Kyle Spyrides:So he's like, I have my knowledge, you know, the doctors have their knowledge, everyone has their knowledge, but what decision are we going to make?
Kyle Spyrides:You know?
Kyle Spyrides:And so I guess sometimes maybe he tries to feel what the decision is.
Kyle Spyrides:Now he said to my mother, don't let them operate.
Kyle Spyrides:He's too weak.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, I don't believe that he'll make it through the operation.
Kyle Spyrides:That's my, that's my opinion.
Kyle Spyrides:You decide.
Kyle Spyrides:But, but, but that's, that's my, my take on it.
Kyle Spyrides:So I woke up that a week later and he was flying over and he sat in front of me.
Kyle Spyrides:He said, look, car.
Kyle Spyrides:There's like, this is the situation here.
Kyle Spyrides:This bug, you know, here's all the papers.
Kyle Spyrides:Here's all the medical tests.
Kyle Spyrides:Here's the contract.
Kyle Spyrides:Like the thing you have to sign.
Kyle Spyrides:If you want to have the surgery, this is what's going to happen.
Kyle Spyrides:They had to cut off a big part of your heart and you're gonna have this metal attachment.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, you know, you're not going to be able to do this, this and this.
Kyle Spyrides:You're gonna be on heavy medications.
Kyle Spyrides:that thing, your blood, you you're going to be able to have a pretty shitty life.
Kyle Spyrides:You know?
Kyle Spyrides:So I was 18.
Kyle Spyrides:So no, it wasn't sounding too, too to Danny at that, at that point.
Kyle Spyrides:So, so he said, there's another option.
Kyle Spyrides:And he said, I've done this before with people close people to me and other close people to me.
Kyle Spyrides:You said, there's this thing called the alkaline diet and the premises.
Kyle Spyrides:all of the, the idea behind it is that you start with the body of all sugars and the bug has nothing to sustain itself.
Kyle Spyrides:And you basically start, you drive the bug out by starving it.
Kyle Spyrides:So it's a juicing fast.
Kyle Spyrides:And at that time, I mean, all I believed in was biceps and protein.
Kyle Spyrides:So, so, you know, I was like, look, I don't know any of this stuff.
Kyle Spyrides:I don't necessarily believe in any of the stuff, you know, but I trust you as a man.
Kyle Spyrides:And I trust you'll do right by me.
Kyle Spyrides:You've always done right by me.
Kyle Spyrides:So let's go with this decision.
Kyle Spyrides:And then he, then, then we started doing the juicing diet and he, it started with him writing out a list, you know?
Kyle Spyrides:So I started writing out a list of all the things that I really enjoyed.
Kyle Spyrides:And I was like, oh great.
Kyle Spyrides:He's taken a menu.
Kyle Spyrides:Or I was like, all right.
Kyle Spyrides:So I love triple cheeseburgers.
Kyle Spyrides:I love he goes, no, no.
Kyle Spyrides:I need you to sweat all this out of your system.
Kyle Spyrides:You, cause you're going into this.
Kyle Spyrides:This diet, this whole health kick, and we seriously need to take care of this bug, you know, like in the next three weeks.
Kyle Spyrides:So subtle, that was a bit me.
Kyle Spyrides:He handed me a beetroot juice, had a sip of it, instantly regretted my decision.
Kyle Spyrides:How the hell am I going to do this?
Kyle Spyrides:So, you know, the program consisted of, or that, you know what we did, we had juices every day, salads, juices, and salads.
Kyle Spyrides:That's all I had no carbs, no protein, no carbs, no sugars, no nothing.
Kyle Spyrides:Just juices.
Kyle Spyrides:I mean, the amino acids that would have been in the spinach and different sort of things like broccoli, different sorts of things, but nothing.
Kyle Spyrides:I mean, I, I lost when I, when I was in hospital, I entered there.
Kyle Spyrides:I was got 95 kilos of pure muscle.
Kyle Spyrides:And when I left, that was about 77 actually early on in, I was about 77 kilos.
Kyle Spyrides:So I dropped a ton of weight.
Kyle Spyrides:I had vitamins, I had I was doing meditations.
Kyle Spyrides:My grandmother actually gave me some of her medications, which were all about peaks and valleys.
Kyle Spyrides:So I remember a ton of peaks and valleys and I was doing visualization.
Kyle Spyrides:So I was, you know, I, I learned a lot about the heart and where my dad was, my mitral valve, and I was kind of, my heart is saying heal, heal.
Kyle Spyrides:So doing all these things that were totally out of my comfort zone, totally out of what I'd ever done in my life, purely believing that this
Kyle Spyrides:Do they believe that that trying natural first?
Kyle Spyrides:Obviously it depends.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, if you're, if you've got, if your legs cut or whatever it is, it's totally circumstantial.
Kyle Spyrides:So anyone listening to Sentosa natural and my, what I did was a huge risk.
Kyle Spyrides:I'm not denying that, but you know, you try natural first.
Kyle Spyrides:That's a privy unbelief.
Kyle Spyrides:If natural is not working, then you go and do things that you can't revert.
Kyle Spyrides:So, so for me, yes.
Kyle Spyrides:So I did all of this and we spoke to the cardiologist and the cardiologist said, look, You got this bug, you know, are we're going to operate, you know?
Kyle Spyrides:And we said, wait, hold on a minute.
Kyle Spyrides:Is there any other option?
Kyle Spyrides:And we questioned the question question, what helped me out a lot?
Kyle Spyrides:He said, look, if the bug gets down to 0.20 cents, 0.5 centimeters, then it's a non-issue and we went, okay, great.
Kyle Spyrides:That's our goal.
Kyle Spyrides:And then the cardiologist helps them puff and he left out of the room.
Kyle Spyrides:and you know,
Vit Muller:so sorry to stop you there.
Vit Muller:So you were doing this juicing diet by this, by this stage.
Kyle Spyrides:Exactly.
Kyle Spyrides:Exactly.
Kyle Spyrides:And
Vit Muller:you were still in house, so they let your granddad to, to use his,
Kyle Spyrides:my stepdad and my stepdad.
Kyle Spyrides:So they
Vit Muller:didn't object or
Kyle Spyrides:they didn't.
Kyle Spyrides:Oh, no, no, they totally objected.
Kyle Spyrides:They, I mean, they were trying to throw my vitamins into the bin.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, like some of the nurses, the nurses were.
Kyle Spyrides:Using myself, what do I think I was doing?
Kyle Spyrides:How dare?
Kyle Spyrides:I think I can take my health into my own hands.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, prop is trying to help me out, you know, like who do I think I am?
Kyle Spyrides:So it was very intense.
Kyle Spyrides:Cause I, I grew up believing, you know, every police is a good guy, every five minutes, good guy, every doctor nurses, a good person.
Kyle Spyrides:and I realized, okay, my re my, my reality, or my naivety is not serving me here.
Kyle Spyrides:I need to actually understand that everyone has their own motivations and their own beliefs.
Kyle Spyrides:And it's not that these people are terrible people.
Kyle Spyrides:I mean, they were coming from their belief system and they were going, which I was, I was definitely risking a lot at that time.
Kyle Spyrides:And they were going, you know, how dare he?
Kyle Spyrides:So, so they were trying to decide my destiny for me.
Kyle Spyrides:And I was trying to decide my destiny myself.
Kyle Spyrides:And so I had ward and I had, and most of my family didn't believe in what I was doing.
Kyle Spyrides:So I'd ward.
Kyle Spyrides:I had my, my grandparents.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, and I had a few people in my corner and I just kept going with it and, you know, I, I kept doing it and I, I, I believed in ward.
Kyle Spyrides:I didn't necessarily believe that this work, you know, I, I believe I'm going to give it up my all, and I'm going to believe that it's going to work at this time, but I've got no idea.
Kyle Spyrides:Like, I really don't know.
Kyle Spyrides:I'm really unsure, but I just kept doing everything.
Kyle Spyrides:I kept to it.
Kyle Spyrides:I couldn't have any electronic device around me.
Kyle Spyrides:I had to be purely focused on what I was doing.
Kyle Spyrides:and the three week mark came up and the Cardell was, came in and he said, all right, we're gonna, are we gonna operate?
Kyle Spyrides:You know, we're gonna operate.
Kyle Spyrides:We're gonna cut your valuable.
Kyle Spyrides:Like, we're going to put, you know, put this metal attachment.
Kyle Spyrides:And we went, well, let's see all the, you know, all the, all the numbers, you know, what's going on with it.
Kyle Spyrides:And we kept questioning and he said, you know, here it is, here it is.
Kyle Spyrides:And the bug had gone down to 0.2 centimeters.
Kyle Spyrides:And this is where me and won't be clapped, which whichever like, oh my God, this is amazing.
Kyle Spyrides:I can't believe it.
Kyle Spyrides:and the cardiologist storm stormed out of the room.
Kyle Spyrides:And so I was there for a couple more weeks and they wanted me there for about six weeks and I had to get out cause I was getting healthier.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, I was like, I needed to be out of the hospital in hospital.
Kyle Spyrides:If you're healthy, it's like prison.
Kyle Spyrides:So I went, you know, get me the hell out of here.
Kyle Spyrides:and I let him in a wheelchair during the time of my hospital stay.
Kyle Spyrides:I made friends with this Somalian gentlemen and me and him.
Kyle Spyrides:We just got along like a house on fire.
Kyle Spyrides:We were like really good friends.
Kyle Spyrides:And as I was leaving in the wheelchair, I was turning around the corner, just turning around the corner, out of that room that I spent five and a half weeks in and he grabbed my shoulder.
Kyle Spyrides:and he and I went, oh, Hey man.
Kyle Spyrides:And he said I said, I'm going now.
Kyle Spyrides:And he said, oh look, you know, I'm just here to tell you, deliver a message from prop.
Kyle Spyrides:Okay.
Kyle Spyrides:He said, look, your, your lungs will be full of blood.
Kyle Spyrides:You're going to choke to death in your sleep in about two months time.
Kyle Spyrides:And.
Kyle Spyrides:So I just started like tearing up.
Kyle Spyrides:I was like, and I just took the person that was pushing the wheelchair to say, keep going, like, get me the, get me outta here.
Kyle Spyrides:I need to, I need to leave.
Kyle Spyrides:This place is not, not healthy.
Vit Muller:And that was your friend, a friend
Kyle Spyrides:that told you that.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:So he's a register.
Kyle Spyrides:So he was the guy that would always deliver, like he would see me a lot more than the, than the professor.
Kyle Spyrides:So he was sent down right at the end, deliver that message because messaging message from who, from, from the cardiologist, from the, from the
Kyle Spyrides:So Jesus, so he obviously heard that I was leaving.
Kyle Spyrides:Right.
Kyle Spyrides:And I had totally gone against all of his advice, you know, all of these belief system you know, so I guess by his account, I had done wrong by him.
Kyle Spyrides:So, so that was pretty brutal.
Kyle Spyrides:But anyway, I left the hospital and then I spent about 12 months trying to see what I can do because I had healed the bug off my valve,
Kyle Spyrides:So the valve wasn't closing properly.
Kyle Spyrides:So I was contacting people in Germany who were doing stem cell research.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, they said, look, we can, we, we're not at the technology yet to be able to heal heartfelt like this.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, I was trying everything I could.
Kyle Spyrides:And I went, I started seeing this new about three months after I came to the hospital, starting this new cardiologist, told him about our experience.
Kyle Spyrides:My whole family were there.
Kyle Spyrides:And then he started and he said, look, I play golf with that guy on the weekends.
Kyle Spyrides:Like, I don't wanna hear anything.
Kyle Spyrides:And my family started to get upset and said, this is, you know, this is wrong.
Kyle Spyrides:And I said, everyone out of the room, I need to have one good person on my side.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, this other kiddos came family recommended.
Kyle Spyrides:I just said, I need to have one person telling my story.
Kyle Spyrides:I start telling my heal myself naturally.
Kyle Spyrides:He said, look, I don't believe it.
Kyle Spyrides:But you know, like what are we going to do now?
Kyle Spyrides:I said, look, I don't want to have the metal attachment.
Kyle Spyrides:I want to be able to repair my belt.
Kyle Spyrides:He said, to be honest, man, you don't have much of much chance you got.
Kyle Spyrides:Probably a 30% chance that we could repair it.
Kyle Spyrides:And so I left, went back, came back another six months, kept trying to heal myself naturally.
Kyle Spyrides:And he said, okay, your heart has gone down in size.
Kyle Spyrides:And this is probably why, but you've got about a 60% chance or 56 minutes chance now.
Kyle Spyrides:So I left, came back down to three months
Vit Muller:ago, hang on.
Vit Muller:And so how come the percentage went up?
Kyle Spyrides:Well, he said, he said it was because my heart, so it's how my heart was functioning.
Kyle Spyrides:So my heart size had gone down and my heart was getting a bit like getting a bit better at my normal rhythm.
Kyle Spyrides:So they had to repair a valve and make sure that that valve would be able to close.
Kyle Spyrides:The blood open the blood.
Kyle Spyrides:So the
Vit Muller:percentages were giving based on better
Kyle Spyrides:rhythm.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Every time I would go to him and do an echocardiogram, which is basically like an ultrasound of your heart, do it, do a bunch of tests.
Kyle Spyrides:And that echocardiogram would be the main telltale sign and they had a really good really good one machine.
Kyle Spyrides:So, yeah, so based on all the measurements, the percentage was higher.
Kyle Spyrides:And I went back again and so about at the 11 month mark, he said, look, actually got probably 70% chats.
Kyle Spyrides:So in holy crap, I called my, my, my except out in Ireland, you know, the, the man who healed me not to help heal me naturally.
Kyle Spyrides:I said, what do I do?
Kyle Spyrides:And he threw it back at me and said, what do you want to do?
Kyle Spyrides:I said, look, it's probably time to have the operation.
Kyle Spyrides:So I went in my grandparents knew, knew about that.
Kyle Spyrides:We only pay for people that knew the date of the operation.
Kyle Spyrides:and the night before I was at a friend's house, Yeah, playing a bit of video games.
Kyle Spyrides:I was trying to be as normal as I could.
Kyle Spyrides:I left it in the car to drive home and he said, he said, oh, don't you have that thing tomorrow?
Kyle Spyrides:I said, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll see you next week.
Kyle Spyrides:And I just closed the door, you know?
Kyle Spyrides:Cause I just wanted to make sure that my mentality, everything was focused on this repair, you know, my mindset, my visualization, everything was focused on this goal to actually have a repaired valve.
Kyle Spyrides:So I went into surgery and they cut your chest open.
Kyle Spyrides:Then they cut into your heart and you're, you're pretty much dead for about five hours, you know?
Kyle Spyrides:And so to do the operation and I woke up, I woke up screaming, right.
Kyle Spyrides:So
Vit Muller:they, they, your heart is not beating at that time when they're doing the operation.
Vit Muller:And so it's all done Bob mechanically or circulatory,
Kyle Spyrides:blood stream, whatever.
Kyle Spyrides:Exactly.
Kyle Spyrides:So, you know, I had a friend of mine who was studying, like to be a cardiologist.
Kyle Spyrides:Then he was telling me like, you know, About the kind of procedure, because he'd seen people go through their part surgery.
Kyle Spyrides:and so I went through it came out and I came out screaming.
Kyle Spyrides:and someone grabbed my hand.
Kyle Spyrides:I don't remember.
Kyle Spyrides:I don't remember saying this, but apparently I was saying repair or replacement, repair or replacement.
Kyle Spyrides:Now was the valve repaired or was the valve replaced?
Kyle Spyrides:You know, like good.
Kyle Spyrides:I have this metal attachment and someone grabbed my hand and said it was a repair cars repair.
Kyle Spyrides:And so this is me in ICU.
Kyle Spyrides:I'm swearing.
Kyle Spyrides:I'm going, yes.
Kyle Spyrides:I, you know how he was going nuts, just like so happy that they're there.
Kyle Spyrides:I would repair my back.
Kyle Spyrides:And then the doctor comes over and says, look, you're actually in heart block at the moment.
Kyle Spyrides:Well, what does that mean?
Kyle Spyrides:Because I was sure I could ask every question.
Kyle Spyrides:I covered all the bases.
Kyle Spyrides:I knew all the, you know, the, the possible bad things like that.
Kyle Spyrides:And he said, your heart, hasn't got back into normal rhythm.
Kyle Spyrides:And he said, give it about a week.
Kyle Spyrides:We'll get back to the normal rhythm.
Kyle Spyrides:But this machine is basically the beating for your heart.
Kyle Spyrides:Okay.
Kyle Spyrides:That's new.
Kyle Spyrides:And then about a week later, I said, look, your heart, hasn't gone out all the room, normal rhythm.
Kyle Spyrides:What actually happens when we do the operation is that there's electric signals that signal the heart to pump blood into the atrium and out of the Venturian.
Kyle Spyrides:So that's it face.
Kyle Spyrides:They put a pacemaker on you.
Kyle Spyrides:So now they had to go put me in surgery and give me a pacemaker.
Kyle Spyrides:So I had the surgery pacemaker, six weeks later, I was going to my provision tests.
Kyle Spyrides:So during that time and healing, I was, I was I had ward still there and I was going into like the ocean pool pretty quickly on, I was trying to move like kind of like a robot.
Kyle Spyrides:My, my younger brother was doing laps.
Kyle Spyrides:He's eight years younger than me was doing laps in the ocean floor next to me.
Kyle Spyrides:And every little ripple, just like it was so much pain.
Kyle Spyrides:It shook me off access.
Kyle Spyrides:So I was trying really early on to try and get the muscles back, working, get some movement into my body.
Kyle Spyrides:and that was an extremely painful time.
Kyle Spyrides:I lied and I really didn't.
Kyle Spyrides:I was not enjoying painkillers.
Kyle Spyrides:So I was really trying to come up with them and.
Kyle Spyrides:About six weeks after surgery, I went to go and get my provisional license and I started feeling bloated and I was with someone at the time.
Kyle Spyrides:And I said, I mentioned, oh yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:And I was thinking about, maybe I'll mention to maybe I won't.
Kyle Spyrides:I said, oh yeah, I'm feeling a little bloated.
Kyle Spyrides:I was like, oh, maybe I should still go.
Kyle Spyrides:And they went, no, no, you just had surgery night.
Kyle Spyrides:Like we're taking it to the cardiologist and the cardiologist.
Kyle Spyrides:And he looked at me and he said, call you've got hours to live.
Kyle Spyrides:And I went, are you kidding me?
Kyle Spyrides:Like this is happening again.
Kyle Spyrides:What the hell is wrong?
Kyle Spyrides:And he said, you know, like when you're feeling bloated, you're not go to a hospital, not go to a doctor.
Kyle Spyrides:I said, yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:I went to the, to the hospital down, down the chronology a week ago and they said I was fine.
Kyle Spyrides:And he goes, what test they give you?
Kyle Spyrides:I guess they gave me, he said they gave me an ECG, which is basically they put the stickers around you.
Kyle Spyrides:And he said, he said, I'm going to Sue that place.
Kyle Spyrides:I'm going to write them a letter.
Kyle Spyrides:Every person that has surgery, heart surgery, you need to give them an echocardiogram.
Kyle Spyrides:This is bullshit.
Kyle Spyrides:He goes, you're like Luci, alphabet can die.
Kyle Spyrides:So he sent me over to the hospital.
Kyle Spyrides:What had happened is because of the trauma of the surgery, your heart sits in a sack called the pericardium and the sack was filling up with blood.
Kyle Spyrides:And once it fills up with too much blood, you know, you're hopping explodes.
Kyle Spyrides:So
Vit Muller:it's kinda like when you injured yourself, your body releases all the swelling as a healing process.
Vit Muller:So post surgery, that's what the body did and was too much,
Kyle Spyrides:too much of it.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Correct.
Kyle Spyrides:And my, my bowel was also leaking blood.
Kyle Spyrides:So cause I repaired it, but I couldn't repair it fully to a functioning valve that I was born with.
Kyle Spyrides:So, but, but this pericardium pericarditis is, is something that often happens.
Kyle Spyrides:people post-surgery.
Kyle Spyrides:So anybody out there listening, if you've had heart surgery recently, make sure you go in for your echocardiograms, basically like an ultrasound for your heart.
Kyle Spyrides:Just keep getting checkups.
Kyle Spyrides:So I went in to the hospital and this was going to be an open surgery where I was awake and they gave me a bit of morphine.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, I turned away because I knew that the specifics of the surgery, right.
Kyle Spyrides:So,
Vit Muller:and awake because they didn't have to cut into your heart.
Vit Muller:So this time they didn't need to stop it.
Vit Muller:They were just trying to, you know,
Kyle Spyrides:so how that, how they did it was I was turned away.
Kyle Spyrides:Cause I knew what was going to happen.
Kyle Spyrides:And the surgeon said, you're your outcome?
Kyle Spyrides:And I looked over at him and I just went shit.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, what, why did he ask me if I'm a right?
Kyle Spyrides:Cause I looked at him and he had about a 20 centimeter needle in his hand and I went, can I get the more morphine?
Kyle Spyrides:And they looked at each other, like this guy, we've got to watch this guy, you know, he's keen on the morphine, but it was like, I was terrified.
Kyle Spyrides:So I turned away again and he put this 20 centimeter needle into my.
Kyle Spyrides:And what did it go that goes into your chest?
Kyle Spyrides:Just goes right with the rips.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah, yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Well look straight, straight on.
Kyle Spyrides:So straight, straight from the chest, like straight down.
Kyle Spyrides:And it goes into your pericardium wall and uh, punctures that wall and they pull the blood out of, out of your pear the accordion.
Kyle Spyrides:So they pulled out two liters worth of blood.
Kyle Spyrides:The nurses were in the background, they were holding two big bags.
Kyle Spyrides:So like think of a two liter milk bottle, two liters of blood that was filling my pericardium and squeezing the heart.
Kyle Spyrides:Exactly, exactly.
Kyle Spyrides:So that was my experience.
Kyle Spyrides:And then obviously after that, you're managing your heart, your heart health forever, you know, you're, you're, you're, you're constantly managing your health.
Kyle Spyrides:So that was my experience.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Wow.
Vit Muller:So two neat death experiences, the first one with the bug.
Vit Muller:And so the bug that you had there that, you know, obviously.
Vit Muller:You know, smaller in size, what happened to that?
Vit Muller:Did it like dissipated, Indiana, or, I mean, how do you know it's not going to
Kyle Spyrides:like, well with the echocardiogram, they, they hadn't looked at it and it had gone.
Kyle Spyrides:So you pretty much started out of the body and the
Vit Muller:body will sort of itself get rid of it.
Vit Muller:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Vit Muller:You'd be worried of infection if it's some some, you know, external tissue, that's not pirate body, if it, you know, if it's that, would, you know what I mean?
Kyle Spyrides:Like exactly.
Kyle Spyrides:But I think what the Carlos was saying was that would that pick a bug once it gets down to 0.5 centimeters is no longer an issue, meaning.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, like maybe too small, too small, and it's just gonna, you know, the body's going to take care of it in some way, or it's going to flush it out or something like that.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Vit Muller:So that was a first near death experience.
Vit Muller:Then he had the pericardium and it was all basically in your, when you were 18 that year or that happened in
Kyle Spyrides:that ear.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:18.
Kyle Spyrides:And then I spent about a year, you know, trying to get myself into a better, better possibility for repairing my heart valve.
Kyle Spyrides:And so then I had my surgery when I was 19.
Kyle Spyrides:And then, yeah, so, so I had the surgery when I was 19.
Kyle Spyrides:No, sorry.
Kyle Spyrides:Sorry.
Kyle Spyrides:Turned 19 in hospital the first time.
Kyle Spyrides:So I had the surgery when I was 20 and then about six months later after the surgery after the pericarditis near death experience, I went to Europe and I just went, ah, I've got to go and live.
Kyle Spyrides:I've had enough of this, this desktop.
Kyle Spyrides:I need to go and enjoy LA.
Vit Muller:So how do you how do you look after yourself these days?
Vit Muller:Fast forward.
Vit Muller:how's your health like healthy.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:So, so like, so it's a, it's a management, you know, like, like mindset management, mental health management, you know, all these things.
Kyle Spyrides:It's not like, great.
Kyle Spyrides:I read one book.
Kyle Spyrides:I did one thing I'm sorted it's, it's, it's continual every day waking up and putting the principles, putting the work.
Kyle Spyrides:But as you set up for a healthy heart for the rest of your life, so at the start or at the end of 2019, my heart actually got, went into AAF, which is atrophibulation.
Kyle Spyrides:So after a long time of it being, you know, having the pacemaker, the electrosurgery believed that impacted it and put my heart and say basically means to the heart, to being of with them.
Kyle Spyrides:And it's not a huge concern.
Kyle Spyrides:It usually happens in people when they're about 70.
Kyle Spyrides:And he said, look over time, we just don't want your heart to be worn out.
Kyle Spyrides:So.
Kyle Spyrides:And that's the main thing with cardios electrosurgery.
Kyle Spyrides:It's all about trying to make sure my heart has given the best things that it can be given the longevity.
Kyle Spyrides:Exactly.
Kyle Spyrides:So, so he said, look, you know, we'll do, we'll do a surgery, you know, might put another wire in, we might do a different sort of things.
Kyle Spyrides:And kind of like the first question you asked where something we don't know about you.
Kyle Spyrides:When I speak to family, I learned something new about my life that I didn't learn before.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, kind of like the pub story.
Kyle Spyrides:That's something I've learned recently.
Kyle Spyrides:Every time I go back to electrosurgery and cardiologist, I learn something new, you know what I mean?
Kyle Spyrides:So he told me about this.
Kyle Spyrides:Why?
Kyle Spyrides:So there's two wires in there at the moment.
Kyle Spyrides:One of the wires doesn't really work too hard symmetric ablation, and we're gonna put it in another way, but we w we're concerned when we're putting too many wires into the actual heart.
Kyle Spyrides:So the pacemaker wires actually into the heart, I asked him why sending a little current, right, exactly correct.
Kyle Spyrides:And he said, look, It complicates the heart.
Kyle Spyrides:And also if there's an infection, if there's anything, and we have to pull out that wire, you know, we've got seconds to do the operation, otherwise you're dead.
Kyle Spyrides:So I was like, I left another meeting.
Kyle Spyrides:I was like, Jesus, there's something more complex to this whole heart situation.
Kyle Spyrides:Because these wires that I, in my heart, they have to be there forever.
Kyle Spyrides:I had in my mind that maybe one day my heart will get back into normal rhythm because it was, it was, the pacemaker was pacing at 99% of the time.
Kyle Spyrides:So I thought, great.
Kyle Spyrides:I can work with 1%, like give me 1%.
Kyle Spyrides:That's hope, that's belief that something, you know, maybe I can get my heart back into some sort of normal rhythm.
Kyle Spyrides:I won't need this pacemaker, but those wires pretty much iron Grande in the half.
Kyle Spyrides:So that's another, another harsh reality realization.
Kyle Spyrides:And so he said, look, you're in AAF.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, I want to do this procedure.
Kyle Spyrides:Then I also might maybe we'll do a defibrillator on you, these different sort of things.
Kyle Spyrides:And so I kind of left and then, you know, 20, 20 games.
Kyle Spyrides:it was about, you know, early 2020, and my family had contacted me and said, you know, oh gosh, are you worried about this virus because of
Kyle Spyrides:And I just totally shifted my mindset.
Kyle Spyrides:I went, I'm going to do everything I can to improve my immune system, absolutely everything under the sun.
Kyle Spyrides:I healed myself nationally before I can do everything.
Kyle Spyrides:I can control what I can control.
Kyle Spyrides:I can control how I'm going to react.
Kyle Spyrides:The world's going to do its thing, you know, but I can control how I'm going to react.
Kyle Spyrides:So I got up every morning and, and I got, I was as fit as I was when I was 18.
Kyle Spyrides:Ran, ran an hour every morning, juice, meditated, visualizations, affirmations you know, listening to audio books, you know, learning more about the heart health,
Kyle Spyrides:So getting everything that I could equip myself with everything that I could, I just went, I'm going to go hard on this because there was one
Kyle Spyrides:Now your injection fraction is how well your heart beats to tell your heart pumps blood in and pumps blood out through, through your entire body to brain everywhere.
Kyle Spyrides:Most people's normal ejection fraction is 55 to 65.
Kyle Spyrides:Mine was at 35.
Kyle Spyrides:When you get to about 20 and below it's touch and go, you can die.
Kyle Spyrides:You can't travel and planes and that sort of thing.
Kyle Spyrides:There's not enough volume of blood.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah, exactly, exactly.
Kyle Spyrides:Your heart's just not doing its job.
Kyle Spyrides:So I went, you know, like this number has not changed in, you know, in the, about, you know, seven years or so.
Kyle Spyrides:There's not changed at all.
Kyle Spyrides:Or I'm focusing on this number.
Kyle Spyrides:I need to change this number.
Kyle Spyrides:So I went hardcore, hardcore, hardcore.
Kyle Spyrides:Didn't know if I could do it.
Kyle Spyrides:If I could get to get that success, when sat to him and he sat there and we sat there and he said, call, I don't know what to do with you.
Kyle Spyrides:Oh shit.
Kyle Spyrides:What do you mean.
Kyle Spyrides:So everything has changed your heart actually now enjoys being an AAF where only in about 5% of patients just start surgery.
Kyle Spyrides:Does it ever like been in AA, but it's gotten stronger and enjoys being an AAF.
Kyle Spyrides:Your ejection fraction is up to 49% and that's the only time I said the change and he said, I don't know what to do with you.
Kyle Spyrides:You know?
Kyle Spyrides:So I went, wow, like, okay, that's incredible.
Kyle Spyrides:It's good news.
Kyle Spyrides:That's what I wanted.
Kyle Spyrides:That's what I wanted.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, I think anytime you can understand that you've got some control over your finances over your career, over your health, and
Kyle Spyrides:It's such a empowering thing.
Kyle Spyrides:Mm
Vit Muller:'that's the biggest message here.
Vit Muller:That's the biggest message for, for anybody listening to this right now, we take our health so much for granted and.
Vit Muller:You know, listening to your story just makes me realize, you know, oh shit.
Vit Muller:You know what I mean?
Vit Muller:Because I don't feel healthy.
Vit Muller:I never really had any sickness, you know, touch food, any issues it's just really makes me, you know, think even more about my own personal fitness and wellbeing.
Vit Muller:Cause you know, it's so easy sometimes to say, oh, we're busy.
Vit Muller:And I got to do this, you know, edit an episode of the podcast tonight.
Vit Muller:And I got to do my job, my, you know, my full-time job.
Vit Muller:And so, you know, I may be all, you know, my wrist is hurting from my, you know, session of Juju to, you know, the night before.
Vit Muller:So I'm going to go easy, but this just makes me feel, you know, it makes me feel like, you know what, I'm probably getting a bit relaxed here.
Vit Muller:You know, I'm taking things a bit too for granted.
Vit Muller:So if we, if we were to.
Vit Muller:Summarize or, you know, package it up into one key message for, for anybody is I would say yeah.
Vit Muller:Is to take it more seriously.
Vit Muller:Look after your health and fitness, a bit more, really a good one that you mentioned is of COVID.
Vit Muller:That's one thing that's been very frustrating me and, you know, listening to, you know, even Joe Rogan mentioned on tape, on his podcast, how the governments, you know, how they deal
Vit Muller:Good dude, nobody's saying it, nobody from the politicians, nobody.
Vit Muller:I mean, obviously I'm a fan fitness professional, that's our message.
Vit Muller:But you know, people.
Vit Muller:You know, our messages, you know, you know, it doesn't always get through to the masses.
Vit Muller:Right.
Vit Muller:And where you could make a big influence to the masses is through TV, through the news.
Vit Muller:And so it is frustrating how you don't hear them saying it, you know, even just, you know, propo, you know, promoting, you know, going more for a walk or, you
Vit Muller:You, you knew that that's how you decided to yeah.
Vit Muller:To make sure that you reduce any risks with take, you know, get an infective COVID by strengthening your system and taking it really seriously.
Vit Muller:So I hope that this, you know, I hope that this can really make.
Vit Muller:Make somebody take these things seriously.
Vit Muller:Somebody is listening right now to realize, okay, you know what, I'm going to go for a walk.
Vit Muller:I'm going to go for a run.
Vit Muller:I'm going to do something physically to move, to get my heart rate up, to strengthen my heart and, you know, and improve my immune system because yeah, it's we're not, we don't hear it enough
Kyle Spyrides:110%.
Kyle Spyrides:And I think that's one thing we have to understand is things are not always going to be how they are right now.
Kyle Spyrides:And I think we can get very comfortable.
Kyle Spyrides:We can get very much in that sort of mode of thinking.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, everything's going to, it's a continuing, everything's going to just continue as it is, you know, but what's the constant change, you know, and how quickly do we
Kyle Spyrides:Do we forget history and things that have worked for us in the past things that haven't worked for us past, as a society, as a personal person and in our relationships.
Kyle Spyrides:Now we quickly forget because we're always looking forward, which is very good.
Kyle Spyrides:And, and, you know, and we're in the present moment as well.
Kyle Spyrides:I think we have to understand that, you know, things are going to change, you know, like we're all heading to the same destination in, in this, in this
Kyle Spyrides:That takes work.
Kyle Spyrides:That takes work and the thing with solutions and whether it's government, whether it's someone listening to this and they go, look, I can just take these supplements.
Kyle Spyrides:I don't really need to do anything else.
Kyle Spyrides:We all want the easy fix.
Kyle Spyrides:We want the easy sale, you know, whatever, what's the easiest thing we can sell to this person, you know, just bring it back to sales.
Kyle Spyrides:And even to myself, you know, what's the easy sale right now.
Kyle Spyrides:I'm feeling kind of lonely.
Kyle Spyrides:I'm feeling kind of depressed by chocolate.
Kyle Spyrides:Let me go.
Kyle Spyrides:I need a quick dopamine hit, you know, what's the easy fix, but, but what you need to start doing is realize that what's the long-term fix.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, what's the thing that's going to support me, you know, in two years, 10 years, five years.
Kyle Spyrides:And for me, you know, it's not that I just woke up one day with this realization.
Kyle Spyrides:I've had to live with this realization.
Kyle Spyrides:I've got to take care of my longevity because of my very own heart.
Kyle Spyrides:I've got to thinking yes.
Kyle Spyrides:Was not a question.
Kyle Spyrides:There
Vit Muller:was not a question you had to, that was literally a question of life and death.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah, exactly.
Kyle Spyrides:Exactly.
Kyle Spyrides:So no like Joe Rogan, I think one of the things that he says surely good, he's the laziest motivated person, you know, that he knows.
Kyle Spyrides:And I think that's the theme.
Kyle Spyrides:It's it's we understand that, that, that our comfort, you know, we're creatures of comfort.
Kyle Spyrides:When we go into those sorts of those moments where we just take what's the easiest fix, what can I just take one tablet?
Kyle Spyrides:I'll be sweet.
Kyle Spyrides:What can I do?
Kyle Spyrides:You know that?
Kyle Spyrides:And we've got to keep challenging ourselves.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, I think every day, I, my biggest thing, you know, whether it's with my book, whether it's with talks, whether it's, you know, sharing my message is how can I break
Kyle Spyrides:And David Goggins has an amazing thing as well.
Kyle Spyrides:Like, you know, do something that makes you uncomfortable every single day of your life.
Kyle Spyrides:And it's not our natural way of being, but it's a bit the way of being that's going to serve you.
Kyle Spyrides:Absolutely.
Vit Muller:Absolutely.
Vit Muller:A big one is ownership.
Vit Muller:We actually, I had a really good interview with Yacob XY check on a few episodes back.
Vit Muller:If you guys go back about five episodes back interview with Yacob is H a young entrepreneur from Czech Republic and he talks about how he He wanted to
Vit Muller:You wanted to find relationship you know, find love.
Vit Muller:He wanted to improve fitness, and he's done all that by setting goals and taking on the ship.
Vit Muller:But the way to get there, you know, it took him about two years because he was lacking discipline.
Vit Muller:So he did this thing with under Griselda, the 75 heart program where you do, you know, 75 days, you work out every day, you do two workouts.
Vit Muller:One of them has to be outside.
Vit Muller:It's whatever you want, whether you go for a walk and in terms of the other workout, again, whatever you want, it's not structured.
Vit Muller:It's kind of flexible.
Vit Muller:So anybody can do it and, and eat well.
Vit Muller:You know, and don't drink alcohol for 75 days.
Vit Muller:And the whole purpose of it, it's not about improving your fitness or, you know, getting six pack or anywhere it's about building discipline.
Vit Muller:And as a result of doing that consistently.
Vit Muller:Yes, you will improve your fitness and all that, but it's this sibling.
Vit Muller:So you kind of strengthening this thing here inside of your scale.
Vit Muller:And when you do that, then we need, you decide to, you know, okay, I want to achieve this, this year, you set your goals.
Vit Muller:Then you're actually more likely to do that because you're more disciplined.
Vit Muller:And the whole thing of this is like I said, ownership, don't rely on others.
Vit Muller:Don't rely on government, this, this vaccine thing saying, you know, thinking, oh, you know, the vaccines coming in, vaccines coming.
Vit Muller:So I'm just going to sit here and watch TV.
Kyle Spyrides:No,
Vit Muller:don't rely on it.
Vit Muller:You don't know how to, how do we know what's gonna work?
Vit Muller:What's not gonna work.
Vit Muller:Right.
Vit Muller:What will you can do, do what you can we'll do.
Vit Muller:What's in your control and that kind of circles back to, to you, that decision that you made at the hospital, when, where, you know, you were giving two choices,
Kyle Spyrides:you took the
Vit Muller:path of, I want to, you know, I want to be in control and take my own path.
Vit Muller:They're very powerful, very powerful.
Vit Muller:So, yeah,
Kyle Spyrides:well, yeah, it was, I think the greatest thing is that I was informed of both sides.
Kyle Spyrides:I think that's the biggest thing, you know, we can be very, and I noticed in myself, we can all be very judgemental or quickly to say, oh no, I've heard some dodgy things about that.
Kyle Spyrides:I've heard of a few charlatans in that arena.
Kyle Spyrides:No matter if it's the left, right, whatever side up down, we can judge very quickly.
Kyle Spyrides:But you know, being formed from both sides and, you know, be a critical thinker and just observe everything, look at all the information, look at all the data.
Kyle Spyrides:And then also ask yourself and not just ask one part of yourself, really sit with the questions, you know, what, what, what should I like when
Kyle Spyrides:No, I really love to play football, but, you know, can I play football in this part of the world where we're in and out of lockdowns right now?
Kyle Spyrides:No.
Kyle Spyrides:Okay.
Kyle Spyrides:So, and you really ask them this question, really working out, what can you do?
Kyle Spyrides:You know, and that's the important thing, because at the end of the day, the government has no obligation.
Kyle Spyrides:Whether or not I've got a healthy heart, you know, the Saudi's got an obligation to me, it's me.
Kyle Spyrides:I've got obligation to myself, but an obligation to my family, but obligation to those that I'm going to add value to in the world.
Vit Muller:Yeah, absolutely.
Vit Muller:There's a great book that if I can recommend is called leadership by Joko willing and big thing about leadership is taking ownership.
Vit Muller:Yeah.
Vit Muller:And so I would definitely recommend that as a, as a tip for reading, you also mentioned David , he's another really good, I don't know his book, the book of
Kyle Spyrides:his, the neighbors
Vit Muller:can't hurt me.
Vit Muller:There you go.
Vit Muller:I haven't, I haven't read that one, but I've heard so much about him and I watched those videos.
Vit Muller:So, so that was another one for you guys listening.
Vit Muller:David Goggins can't hurt me joke or Willings book called Lee extreme
Kyle Spyrides:ownership.
Kyle Spyrides:Yep.
Vit Muller:And another thing I was going to say as a, as a concept that is helpful to think about is again, based on another great interview that I did a few few episodes back
Vit Muller:And so he's doing that and he's, he's got , YouTube travel channel.
Vit Muller:But one thing that I really like that we discussed there was, you know, we were conditioned to do things certain way and believe what's possible based on our environment.
Vit Muller:Right.
Vit Muller:And so in the Western world, and I'm not, I'm not here promoting, you know, you should start thinking about, you know, alternative medicine or anything
Vit Muller:And he says that, you know, we are, we've got these set of goggles.
Vit Muller:We, we see the world through lenses right through the way we've been conditioned in our environment.
Vit Muller:What he says is, you know, may traveling the world, going to, you know, Tanzania and, you know, going really deep with this tribe where they, you know, Eating these honeybee from
Vit Muller:And I'm eating a unit that tastes like shit, but they're happy.
Vit Muller:And so it just made him realize, you know what, these people they've got different lenses, you know, for them, this is this is delicacy for me.
Vit Muller:It's something I wouldn't eat.
Vit Muller:And so just as a, as a, as a concept every time, and I'll try to think, you know, be open-minded, you know, is it, is that the status quo or is there other alternative options?
Vit Muller:So, and by questioning that, that then makes you want to go and, and research and find more truth.
Kyle Spyrides:Well, he had to experience life.
Kyle Spyrides:You know what I mean?
Kyle Spyrides:We're here to experience.
Kyle Spyrides:So when you think yourself as a kid, You know, you want to pick things up, you want to tear things apart.
Kyle Spyrides:You want to play with themes.
Kyle Spyrides:You're curious, you're intrigued, you're getting involved.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, I mean, I was a bit of a wild child.
Kyle Spyrides:I used to eat mud, you know, but I used to play with Martin and there's photos of me and I went, wow.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, and my biggest thing coming through the teenage years, coming through that hard experience, it was, how do I get back to that inner child?
Kyle Spyrides:How do I get back to that child?
Kyle Spyrides:And my grandfather would say you know, called never let that inner child die.
Kyle Spyrides:Never let that inner child die inside you.
Kyle Spyrides:I think too many of us come through the teenage years coming to the adult is, and we allow ourselves to really be programmed to let that in the child die out in us, got to
Kyle Spyrides:you know, my stepdad said one time, we're all experiencing the same thing, but each of us choose how to experience it.
Kyle Spyrides:I think that that's, that's the thing, you know, go out there and try things and, and go, okay, maybe they're coming from a different level of consciousness.
Kyle Spyrides:Maybe they've got a different level of spirituality.
Kyle Spyrides:Maybe to them taste, tastes different to them.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, maybe they've got a different palette.
Kyle Spyrides:Maybe once we realize different things, you know, and it can be very, it doesn't have to start off in the deep end, you know, talking about consciousness and spirituality.
Kyle Spyrides:A lot of people can be quite confronting, just look at a dog that can hear different sounds to us, or, you know, like a dolphin or different, you know,
Kyle Spyrides:There's different energies around us that we can't even tap into, you know, in, in Sri Lanka ward was also staying in Shanka during the tsunami and all the
Kyle Spyrides:Of something outside of the physical reality, you know, touching things that we know.
Kyle Spyrides:Absolutely.
Vit Muller:Absolutely.
Vit Muller:And when you bring it to the theme of success, talk about, you know, having that in the child, the opportunity to express the inner child, the
Kyle Spyrides:So
Vit Muller:look, Kyle I think we're gonna wrap it up because I generally keep it to an hour.
Vit Muller:So on an ending note, what would be top three things for the listeners of this podcast today to walk away with?
Kyle Spyrides:I think number one is to work out who you are, start working out, who you are, ask yourself, sit down those questions.
Kyle Spyrides:And I, and the me too.
Kyle Spyrides:To believe that I could heal myself again and then believe that I could write a book.
Kyle Spyrides:And I believe that I believe in my own business, I had to work out what I'd achieved so far and you know, where I'd come so far and, you know, it comes back to worth, you know, maybe you
Kyle Spyrides:You know, if you came out of school or, or maybe I dropped out of school and I followed a passion or, you know, maybe that didn't last, but I actually showed different sites.
Kyle Spyrides:And I showed that I could have determination I could have followed through.
Kyle Spyrides:I could, you know, I could try a few different things and succeed at them.
Kyle Spyrides:So really working out who you are and then realize that around the world, people that are successful, the people that have worked that out, developed
Kyle Spyrides:And I think it, probably another thing that I would say, you know, is, is.
Kyle Spyrides:Get uncomfortable every day, as you can get uncomfortable question things, be curious, be that curious in a child, you know, try and find that curious in the child and every
Kyle Spyrides:You look at people, you know, whether you like him or hate him, but you look at people like Musk, you know, the things that he's doing.
Kyle Spyrides:Do you think he doesn't question himself?
Kyle Spyrides:Do you think he doesn't get uncomfortable?
Kyle Spyrides:Do you think he doesn't have days where, you know, like it's, it's terrible or it's just too hard or like it's overwhelming or wishes mine required or whatever it is that he's
Kyle Spyrides:And I think the third thing I would say is there's a community, you know, no matter what you do, no matter what you're into, there's always a community out there.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, people call it a tribe, people call it You know, like your soul people, whatever it is, but there's a community of people that are going to think like
Kyle Spyrides:Could have been something that you said to me during this podcast.
Kyle Spyrides:And I take that away for the rest of the day and go awesome.
Kyle Spyrides:I'm going to look at my perspective on life a little bit differently.
Kyle Spyrides:So really find that community realize that there's other people going through stuff.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, there's people that have gone through fast, far worse things than you have and achieving far greater things.
Kyle Spyrides:And on the opposite, you know, people that have been given everything and shooting down in the mines in their life.
Kyle Spyrides:So just realize that there's a community and there's going to be people there that can support people that are going through similar hardships.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, people that have their own demons to get over in their life every day and their own, you know, addictions and different sort of things, but get out there, reach out to these people.
Kyle Spyrides:And I've been developing a lot of accountability buddies lately.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, for my book artists and accountability, buddy for my business and for my health and defense sort of things, you know, realizing great.
Kyle Spyrides:I can bring other people into my life that can help me.
Vit Muller:Absolutely, absolutely great points.
Vit Muller:And to strengthen them, I'm going to repeat them in my own words.
Vit Muller:So, work out who you are in a way, basically figure out your true, true passions and, and realize that we've been conditioned.
Vit Muller:So sometimes you're not really fulfilling your or fully expressing your true desire.
Vit Muller:So, so go with Fein and work out what those are and so that you can be true yourself.
Vit Muller:Number two, get uncomfortable because that's so.
Vit Muller:So many times mentioned on this podcast, you know, amazing things happen outside the comfort zones to get uncomfortable, seek something that will challenge you, whether it be, you know, running a
Vit Muller:whilst, you know, if you're sitting on the sofa, watching Netflix, you're not going to see those opportunities.
Vit Muller:And number three, there's always community, like you said there's people that are like-minded.
Vit Muller:And what I also like about that is people, everyone has their own expense.
Vit Muller:And so you don't have to travel the world to see, you know, to To come across new lenses to come across new observations and see the world different view.
Vit Muller:You can also do that by listening to others, because that can also give you a perspective on life.
Vit Muller:So by, by going into community, you know, being social that's how you do it.
Vit Muller:And I think that's very important because if we talk about, you know, topic of, you know, being lonely, which a lot of people have been doing cope with being lonely maybe, you know, even feeling
Vit Muller:Go out.
Vit Muller:If you can go jump on a zoom call, you know, there's so many online communities and just get on a call.
Vit Muller:One really good example, actually, actually a practical tip if you're listening and that applies to you check out the clubhouse.
Vit Muller:Clubhouse is a brand new social media platform where you literally can join discussions that are real time, anytime on any topic.
Vit Muller:And it's people that are talking, there's usually panel, you can either be an active listener or some of the smaller, smaller groups in clubhouse that I've been to.
Vit Muller:You actually get opportunity to speak.
Vit Muller:So you have the opportunity to, to be part of the discussion.
Vit Muller:And I think that's a great way to to make sure that you don't stay isolated and you can, you know, W, you know, help help your mental health.
Kyle Spyrides:Yeah.
Kyle Spyrides:I've been thinking about getting off on just to get on clubhouse.
Vit Muller:Now, when you do let me know, and I'll send you an invite because clubhouse is not really an open.
Vit Muller:You can't just get into clubhouse guys.
Vit Muller:If you're thinking about it, this is important thing.
Vit Muller:Clubhouse is very unique.
Vit Muller:It started last year and, and the way they operate is that they're exclusive community and they do it for a reason.
Vit Muller:They want to make sure that they, they have a vote.
Vit Muller:They've got a voting system by the, by the user community to make sure that no, you know, assholes get in there to just, you know,
Kyle Spyrides:yeah.
Vit Muller:Trolls.
Vit Muller:Yeah, that's right.
Vit Muller:So, so the way clubhouse works is you can either always download the app and, and apply.
Vit Muller:and then you'll have to wait through a long process.
Vit Muller:It might take months before they'll let you in.
Vit Muller:Or the other option is, you know, as somebody who's already there and they can invite you cause they know that you, you know, the troll and you know,
Vit Muller:So Kyle, when you download it, let me know.
Vit Muller:And I'll I'll sit in the ID went
Kyle Spyrides:mate.
Kyle Spyrides:Thanks for that.
Kyle Spyrides:Really appreciate that.
Kyle Spyrides:Awesome.
Vit Muller:Now, thank you so much for being on the show, Kyle, if somebody wants to, to reach out to you today, because they've resonated with your
Vit Muller:My many ways you've got your photography business.
Vit Muller:So for any business inquiries for anybody looking to actually hire you, they could do that, I guess if they're in Perth.
Vit Muller:but do you travel much for work as well?
Vit Muller:I guess at the moment, I guess a bit more tricky, but not in the normal circumstances.
Kyle Spyrides:Well, I'll be over in your neighborhood soon because you know, my grandmother's 89, I share the same birthday as my grandmother.
Kyle Spyrides:and so she's, she lived in Sydney.
Kyle Spyrides:Most of my family lives in Sydney.
Kyle Spyrides:So, I'm, I'm definitely gonna be back and forth there.
Kyle Spyrides:And, you know, with the Toby business, I also help coach to Consorta people, you know?
Kyle Spyrides:So I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm not someone who comes in and goes, oh, you need me for everything and I'll go great.
Kyle Spyrides:You know, for your daily posts, you know, this is how you can take him just better with your phone.
Kyle Spyrides:So you can do it better yourself here, there, and everywhere.
Kyle Spyrides:If you want some powerful images that are going to hero images are going to just smack people in the throat and say, you know, listen up, grab some attention.
Kyle Spyrides:you know, this is what I can do for you.
Kyle Spyrides:So with the photography side of things, you know, I do things that are online.
Kyle Spyrides:and yeah, to get more, I guess, international, without leaving, leaving my shores, that's where I'm going with, you know, the decide your destiny movement, you know, with the
Kyle Spyrides:You know, I've got a daily decide your destiny dose that is dosed on YouTube cost Fridays.
Kyle Spyrides:And I just try and put out a positive message every day.
Kyle Spyrides:And those messages come out from something that, that had occurred in the day and how we're reacting to something or a challenge or something like that.
Kyle Spyrides:So, yeah, they're the sort of platforms that I'm working.
Kyle Spyrides:I love
Vit Muller:it.
Vit Muller:I love it.
Vit Muller:Making great impact in the world, Kyle.
Vit Muller:That's awesome.
Vit Muller:Let's wrap it up.
Vit Muller:Thank you so much for being on the show.
Vit Muller:I appreciate you taking time to on Saturday to jump on a call with me and duties and, and help me make more influence and inspire more people toward success by sharing your story today.
Vit Muller:You've done that.
Vit Muller:So once again, I appreciate that.
Vit Muller:And those are the guys listening.
Vit Muller:I appreciate you too, for tuning in today.
Vit Muller:And you know, you could have easily watched Netflix and you decided to listen to this, which I think it's service, more purpose in life, I would say.
Vit Muller:so thank you to you too.
Vit Muller:If you're new to this podcast, make sure that you follow or subscribe, which replatform that you follow following, or listen to this from whether it be iTunes or Spotify, you've
Vit Muller:For every episode I do transcripts.
Vit Muller:I put a lot of information in my show notes, including, you know, special offers from my guests.
Vit Muller:I'll be mentioning all the links for Kyle's business, so you can reach out to him if you're looking for any photography stuff, as well as his YouTube channel and his Instagram.
Vit Muller:So you can reach out to Kyle that way.
Vit Muller:And there's also links to how you can subscribe to my newsletter and also include your newsletter, Kyle.
Vit Muller:So people can subscribe to your newsletter for a positive motivation.
Vit Muller:So on that note I guess we've covered everything that you need to know in relation to this episode.
Vit Muller:So thank you once again, guys, for listening.
Vit Muller:I appreciate you.